How to Market your Hypnotherapy Practice

How to Market your Hypnotherapy Practice

It’s exciting when you graduate from your hypnotherapy certification course and are ready to work with clients! You’ve gained powerful skills and can’t wait to start helping people achieve the breakthroughs they seek. I often encounter graduates who expect a line of...
How to Choose the Best Hypnotherapy Training Course

The Benefits of Online Hypnotherapy Training

Selecting the right hypnotherapy course is crucial to becoming a certified hypnotherapist. Your online hypnotherapy course should resonate with your interests, learning style, values, and career goals. As a seasoned hypnotherapist, I emphasize the importance of...
How Hypnotherapy Works for Trauma Healing

How Hypnotherapy Works for Trauma Healing

Hello, everyone! I’m Mary Lee LaBay, and today, I want to delve into the transformative world of hypnotherapy for healing trauma. Trauma can manifest in various forms, from childhood experiences to recent events, and the impact can be profound. Fortunately,...