1:1 Hypnotherapy & Coaching in Seattle


Break through barriers and challenges that keep you from achieving the lifestyle you envision for yourself.

Experiencing self-sabotage, feeling stuck, or relationship problems?

My special super-power is to help soulful, heart-centered human beings like you remember why you’re special and walk your path feeling connected, engaged, and fulfilled.

 For most people, this is easier and quicker than they thought possible.


At the start of each session, I briefly consult your astrology chart to better understand you. To the degree that you’re interested, we’ll discuss any pertinent star-pattern influences.

We set the goal for our time together, and I guide you into a trance state that provides a broader perspective, revealing fascinating “A-ha!” moments.

Using various techniques, we’ll advance or achieve your stated goal. While hypnotherapy provides rapid and lasting results, some issues are stubborn and may require several sessions to complete.

Note that you are always in control and will remember everything about the session. I do not use scripts. Everything is uniquely curated to your specific needs.

My work is to hold a deep and fertile space for your healing and growth. I provide energy, strategic questions, intuitive insights, proven and innovative protocols and techniques, and assistance from my spirit guides.

Imagine if you could…

  • Remove blocks and limiting beliefs
  • Uncover and desensitize the roots of trauma
  • Conquer illness, disease, unwanted traits, addictions, phobias, and fears
  • Have clarity on your values and how they impact your life
  • Resolve trust issues and strengthen personal boundaries
  • Create fresh neural pathways to bring success and vitality into your everyday life
  • Achieve self-discovery and healing in past lives, bringing ease and flow into this life
  • Reduce the fear of dying and gain insights into the death experience
  • Trust your intuition and connect with your higher wisdom
  • Communicate with your spiritual guides
  • Open your energetic channels to attract wealth and healthy relationships

Your first step awaits you.

Schedule your free 30-minute Discovery Call now

and get ready to remove blocks, attain clarity, remember your authentic self,

and consciously BE the expression of your highest potential.

Get ready for a profound transformation like these: 

“Working with you, Mary Lee, has changed my life. I know it sounds cliche, but our sessions helped me to see how I was limiting myself, how I was sabotaging the very things I wanted to have in life, and you showed me how to overcome it! I am so much happier – and my family thanks you too, by the way. If you’re looking for a hypnotherapist in Seattle, I highly recommend Mary Lee. I look forward to working with you again in the future and will definitely recommend you to my friends.”

- Lani W.

“I have had four past life regression sessions with Mary Lee LaBay and each one was miraculous and life-changing. Mary Lee is the very best hypnotherapist in the Northwest. If you have an opportunity to work with her, your life will change forever for the better. She is a talented and gifted healer. Because of my sessions with Mary Lee, I am happier and have much more success in life. If you have the chance to work with her …DO IT! You will be glad that you did. She is AMAZING!”  

- Sylvia H.

“I’m still processing all that we uncovered in our session, and I am blown away! The past life in Ireland explained so much about my fears around having children, and being able to now speak with my spirit guide is a gift I will cherish forever. I’m still able to get messages from her. It is not quite as clear as in our session, but I will keep practicing. This has been a big experience for me and it’s like you have helped me open some big doors in my life in what I know about myself and how I can move forward with my life. I have a lot to think about! Thank you, Mary Lee!” This experience highlights the transformative power of hypnotherapy in Bellevue, WA, allowing individuals to explore their subconscious 

- Vanessa S.

Frequently asked questions

How frequently are the sessions scheduled?

Because each client processes differently, the frequency of sessions will vary. Typically, it is best to have a session once a week for two to three weeks to set a firm foundation. After that, we discuss a more tailored schedule based on individual needs.

How long is each session?

Each session is conducted over Zoom and lasts about an hour. The sessions sometimes go to 70 or 80 minutes if needed to complete the work.

Will I remember everything or are the sessions recorded?

I do not record the sessions for a number of reasons. Top reasons are that we could lose control of the privacy and security of the recording and it can be counter-productive for a client to relive the work and discussion before the healing occurred. It is best to enjoy the results and not worry so much how we got there. However, in most cases, you will remember everything we did and talked about. If there is something you want to review, I have notes to refer to.

Can my partner or friend and I do a past life session together?

It is not advised to have sessions combined with a spouse or friend. It will make the work confusing and less personalized. At times, a client will ask another person to sit in on the session. That is up to the client, however, there is the issue of confidentiality and the possibility that the guest’s energy and presence will alter aspects of the work. It’s best to take this special opportunity for personal exploration, and later discuss the parts you wish to share.

Are you seeing clients in-person since the end of the Covid-19 pandemic?

No. All private sessions and instruction are held over Zoom. The shift from in-person sessions has proven to be a favorable development and makes the work accessible to clients and students worldwide. Most clients find it much easier to avoid the commute and far more relaxing to end the session with a cup of tea and time to journal instead of jarring the senses and ruining the mood to focus on traffic.

The sessions are private and just as effective as in-person. We take a moment face-to-face to discuss our goals for the session, and then you can relax in a recliner or on a bed. The rest of the time, you’ll have your eyes closed anyway, but I can still keep an eye on you.

What is your refund policy?

Fees are paid in advance to secure an appointment. If you change your mind about a single session, you will receive a refund of the full amount with 48 hours’ notice ahead of your appointment.

Your investment for a multiple-session program represents a considerable saving, requires more preparation, and includes home study assignments and other extras. Payment is taken at or before the time the first appointment is scheduled. Any changes to the appointment time and date must be made with 24 hours notice, or the hour for that session may be forfeited. A non-refundable enrollment fee is included in the price of the longer programs. If a client decides to discontinue at any point, used hours are billed at the single session rate. Current policies are included in the disclosure form.

What if I can’t be hypnotized?

In the old days, it was said that some people just couldn’t be hypnotized. However, that really comes down to resistance, which can occur for a number of reasons. There are powerful and effective ways to address resistance. So, in my office, everyone can be hypnotized.

What will we talk about during the Discover Call?

The Discovery Call is a lovely opportunity for us to get to know each other. I’m interested in learning your goals and wishes for the session, and I’ll take the opportunity to explain more about how I work and what to expect.

I will likely also enter your birth information into my astrology program and bring up your natal astrology chart. This will give me more insights into who you are and what might be going on at present. If we decide we are a good match to work together, we can proceed with payment and scheduling.

Are the sessions covered by insurance?

Hypnotherapy is rarely covered by insurance. Clients need to check with their carrier to determine what is covered and if anything in particular is required, such as a doctor’s recommendation.

I do not bill insurance. All sessions are paid, and I am happy to furnish a receipt if you want to submit it to your insurance company.

The benefit of paying out of pocket is that confidentiality is much stricter. When a claim is submitted to the insurance company, any number of administrative personnel may have access to that record and various other information about you. In my office, it takes a specific court order to obtain any information about my clients.

Get ready to transform your life