Seeking Spiritual Guidance in Daily Life

When I was a little girl, my mother would tell me she knew I had spiritual guidance and angels watching over me because as much trouble as I would get into, I always skated through. I would go to sleep envisioning a beautiful angel above my right shoulder, and I was comforted. I believed my mother.

Growing up, I became interested in discovering the truth about spiritual helpers and how to access spiritual guidance more readily. My quest has been frustrating, rewarding, and a fascinating adventure.

Are you seeking spiritual guidance and wanting to turn to your spirit guides while navigating life’s complexities? Your spiritual companions provide support, wisdom, and insights that give clarity and foster growth. Developing a relationship with your spirit guides enhances your daily life in meaningful ways.

Here are pointers to integrate the wisdom of your spirit guides into your everyday routine.

Quiet Your Mind

At one point in my quest for spiritual guidance, I lamented that my spirit guides weren’t talking with me. They responded that they were always talking with me, but I kept my mind so busy they couldn’t get a word in edgewise.

Many of us think we must keep our minds busy learning, planning, and analyzing to stay on top of our game. However, from the perspective of your spirit guide, it’s like conversing with someone doing all the talking. You have thoughts you want to convey, and you may even try to speak over them, but are they listening? Can they hear you?

According to, Mahatma Gandhi said, “ I have so much to accomplish today I must meditate for two hours instead of one.” Was he onto something?

Meditation requires quieting the mind. It can be challenging for those with busy minds, so if you are new to it, permit yourself to take five minutes out of your day.

  • Set a timer so you don’t have to think about the time.
  • Set your intention to receive communication with spirit guides.
  • Clear your mind as best you can.
  • With eyes closed, focus on an imaginary point in space.
  • Observe.

Did you know that you can’t observe while analyzing and you can’t analyze while observing? For those five minutes, simply observe.

Your spirit guide will appreciate your effort to connect with them by giving them space to communicate. Your quiet mind provides a channel for them to deliver their messages and concepts, which may come as words, concepts, ideas, or inspiration.

Habituate Sacred Practices

Have you noticed that religions encourage frequent connection to sacred practices?

  • Periodic church, temple, or synagogue services
  • Morning, evening, or mealtime prayers
  • Pray the Rosary
  • Read the Bible, Torah, Koran, Upanishads, or Tao Te Ching
  • Pilgrimages
  • Light candles, smudge, drum, chant
  • Write in your gratitude journal

These are just a few examples.

There is a reason for this. They remind us of our connection to something greater than ourselves. Rituals, altars, and prayers invest energy into this connection and draw our attention to it.

Set a frequent ritual for yourself that reminds you to stop what you are doing, reconnect with your spirit guide, and observe.

What would change if you set your alarm to remind you every two hours to stop, focus, and practice a short ritual to strengthen your connection to your spiritual guidance?

Develop a Relationship

A common conceptualization of a spirit guide is that they are like your parent or teacher. They hold the wisdom, heal on all levels, prepare your lessons, create opportunities, protect you from harm, and so forth. Meanwhile, you may or may not take time to pay attention or make the best choices.

What does that sound like? Um, to me, it is a bit like the expectation of servitude or slavery.

A parent may be a servant to their infant, but as the child grows, they must mature and take on responsibility. The child must develop respect and eventually demonstrate that the effort produced results.

Years ago, I had a harsh reality check during a sacred journey. A sacred journey is a guided meditation that introduces you to your spirit guide and brings awareness of messages through metaphor.

During my visualization, I was seated behind my guide in a canoe, traveling slowly across a lake. The water lazily lapped at the vessel’s sides, my fingers skimming the surface. In the distance, land was visible, and I knew that was where we were headed, but it was taking so long.

I asked why we were barely moving.  He responded that it was because I wasn’t rowing. I was so embarrassed. I realized his message was that I needed to step up and actively participate in my spiritual evolution if I was to make speedy headway.  I was not to expect him to do all the work.

Your spiritual guidance relationship needs to be nurtured and cherished as you would with a close friend. You are partners in this game of life and are there for mutual benefit. In the same way you choose your friends or teachers based on your commonalities, your guides will choose to work with you because something about you makes it worth their time and energy.

Perhaps you share a common goal. They can direct and guide you from the spiritual plane, and you can make things happen in the physical world. For instance, your guide is concerned about the environment. They can create opportunities and give you suggestions, and you can influence, take action, and vote for that agenda. It’s a win-win situation.

What is your role in your partnership with your spirit guide? Are you willing to foster the relationship?

Listen to Intuition

Spiritual guidance often comes through your intuition. I imagine you have experienced subtle nudges and feelings that guide you toward specific actions or decisions. Begin by testing your intuition.

  • When you follow it, does it turn out well?
  • When you ignore it, do you have regrets?
  • Run the message or impulse through your logical mind and values hierarchy. Does the message align with reason and your morality?

Some messages may seem illogical: why should I take an umbrella when it isn’t raining? But it is harmless to comply and may be a blessing when an unexpected downpour happens later in the day. There’s no harm in playing along, and it may sharpen your intuitive abilities.

However, some spirits who are not your guide may play a trick and try to get you to do something against your values. It’s important to think independently and do the right thing regardless.

Learning to discern life-affirming messages from those of a prankster will come with practice. The important thing is to keep practicing.

Practice Interpretation

Do you remember a conversation where communication was misinterpreted or mixed up? Either the speaker didn’t express themselves clearly, or the listener heard the message differently than intended. Here are a few of the many reasons for this:

  • Words are defined differently.
  • The statement was unclear.
  • The concept was outside the understanding of the listener.
  • The message was heard from a perspective of bias.
  • Poor transmission.
  • Noise interference.

The same can happen when conversing with spiritual guidance. Remember that spirits don’t have mouths and voices like we do. Messages are conveyed generally by sending thoughts, images, feelings, and concepts.

Years ago, I drove on a dark, winding country road with three passengers at night. I started getting a pain in my shoulder that kept increasing in intensity. I realized it was my guide trying to get my attention. I asked if anyone else was receiving a message, and all three said they were feeling some unidentifiable pressure. I slowed my car considerably, and as we rounded a bend, we came face to face with a large buck. We were able to drive around it gingerly. Had we not been warned, we indeed would have hit that deer, severely injuring or killing him and damaging the car.

Pay attention to all senses when seeking spiritual guidance. A variety of sensory channels can be used to convey their messages. Expanding your sensitivity and understanding of the world will increase your ability to receive complex messages.

Hypnotherapy Aids Spiritual Guidance

I’ve used and developed hypnosis techniques for around thirty years to help my clients open the communication channel with their spirit guides. This is a powerful way to ensure a spiritual connection.

The trance state is similar to a deep meditation. The hypnotic envelope provides a relaxing space, and the adjunct techniques provide the tools to overcome obstacles.

Techniques that enhance the experience include:

  • Reverse Metaphor to relay messages through imagery and metaphor.
  • Secondary Gains to uncover any resistance to opening to spirit communication.
  • Parts Therapy to resolve said resistance and become single-minded in attaining the primary goal.
  • Object Imagery to remove any blocks that prevent spirit guidance.
  • Inner Child to address any beliefs or issues stemming from earlier years and upbringing.
  • Chair Therapy is a practical way to set up and facilitate communication.
  • Past life regression can reinforce intuitive abilities from the past and uncover any ancient relationships you have had with your guide.
  • Sacred Journey, using hypnosis, guides you through a series of steps that introduce you to your guide and vividly demonstrate their message.

Individually or combined, the techniques of hypnotherapy and the numerous tools applied within that sacred space enhance the connection and clarity of spirit guide communication.

Encouraging Personal Growth

The primary function of a spirit guide is to assess, plan, and assist in developing your soul. It is a job of grave responsibility. It requires sight, energy, time, attention, persistence, and sometimes being in the line of fire if you encounter danger.

The level of spirit guide that you will attract will depend on your seriousness and progress. A physics professor would be wasted on attending to a kindergartner. And a doctoral student would be held back by an elementary school teacher. So, to attract more advanced spiritual guidance, you need to demonstrate that you are putting effort into your growth, education, and skills.

Your efforts in communicating with your spiritual guide will be greatly appreciated. They will encourage you, appreciate your questions, and be excited that you seek knowledge.


Integrating the guidance of your spirit guides into daily life involves a blend of practices that foster mindfulness, gratitude, intuition, and respect. These suggested activities create a space for a quiet mind, active listening, and clarity. Trusting your intuition and cultivating gratitude can further enhance your spiritual journey, leading to personal growth, more vivid spiritual awareness, and a more meaningful life. Embrace these practices with an open heart, and allow the gentle whispers of your spirit guides to illuminate your path.

For more detailed guidance on incorporating spiritual guidance into your life and professional practice, consider exploring my courses on

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