Ancestral Wisdom – Some folks are surprised by the idea that a woman’s resistance to living in tune with her true purpose might be linked to her getting breast cancer. But it’s not just a catchy phrase; how our body, mind, and spirit connect is real. There are lots of examples where this link is pretty obvious.

Maggie was sharp because she knew her breast cancer wasn’t just some random thing that happened. We all know about cause and effect. When she found out she had it, she was dead set on figuring out what caused it, so she could do whatever it took to beat it.

She thought there might be something from a past life wrapped up in it all, so she made an appointment with me to try past-life regression therapy. She was intrigued by what came up during our sessions.

Suzanne Segerstrom and Richard Miller did a big study over 30 years ago that showed how a person’s stress is linked to the illnesses they get as they get older. Hypnotherapy is known to be good at digging into that link and helping medical treatments work better and faster. Plus, a lot of times, these sessions somehow tie into past lives.

We got started after a quick chat to figure out what we wanted to achieve in the session.

Just like with anyone else, I let Maggie’s subconscious guide our session to uncover the reasons behind her breast cancer. Her subconscious took us on a really interesting and enlightening journey.

Ancestral Wisdom

A Tradition of Wellness

At the start, Maggie’s subconscious showed her a book. As we looked into it, it seemed to hold wisdom from her ancestors and her journey through different lives. While she held the book and soaked in its teachings, she felt a lot of spirits around her, working on healing. One of them, a Native American woman shaman, said her health issues came from not being true to herself, holding back instead of embracing her full potential.

As the spirits kept on with their work, I took her back to a past life where she was a doctor. She didn’t have any official schooling but learned from her father. Healing was in her blood, and she was good at it. But being the only healer in town, she felt the heavy responsibility of deciding who lived and who didn’t.

She felt like throwing in the towel, asking the heavens, ‘Why is this happening to me? Why do I have to deal with all this? I just want to disappear and take a break.

But then, with advice from her Native American healer, she was urged to see things differently. Why not pass on her knowledge by training someone just like she was trained?

Then it clicked, and Maggie’s past self-found and taught an apprentice. Suddenly, her life was full of happiness and purpose instead of sadness and struggle. She saw that in this life, too, working with others was the key to making things better. 

Serving versus Surrendering

Wanting to dig deeper into her breast cancer story, we decided to explore another past life, this time in Ancient Egypt.

In that past life, she was a healer and advisor to a queen. Life was good, she felt content and strong. When my client spoke with her past self, she was asked why she was making things so tough in this life.

Why put yourself last while helping others? Why shrink when you’re meant to shine with strength and self-assurance?”

Maggie used to think that being submissive was just part of helping others. It’s what her mom taught her since she was little. But now she saw it wasn’t right. She realized that being strong and believing in herself was the real way to help others. Being confident and healthy would do more good than being weak and drained.

The person from her past life agreed to merge with my client and stay there whenever she needed a reminder of her strong and capable self, helping her stay connected to her most powerful and effective traits.

Breast Cancer: The Hidden Desire for Release

By connecting her past lives to her current battle with breast cancer, Maggie realized that her illness stemmed from a life of selflessness. Her family history, passed down from her mother, tied into her struggles as a doctor in a past life, where she longed to break free and even subconsciously wished for an end.

The second past life offered her a solution: embracing self-love, empowerment, fulfilling her potential, building connections, and living with purpose and joy.

Ancestral Wisdom

Growing Stronger: Broadening Your Mind

Simply treating the surface symptoms of an illness isn’t enough. While surgeries or chemotherapy might be necessary for breast cancer, there’s deeper work that needs attention and correction.

Living only from one aspect of ourselves won’t bring true fulfillment or let us shine to our full potential.

Expanding our awareness and nurturing our spiritual growth involves uncovering the breadth of our souls. To thrive in our true selves, we must explore our past lives, heal past wounds, and reclaim the wisdom and skills we’ve gathered over time. It’s the ultimate goal of the hero’s journey.

Through methods like hypnotherapy and past life regression, many have overcome pain, kicked unhealthy habits, and built fulfilling lives.

We’ll follow Maggie’s journey as she heals from breast cancer. It won’t be easy or quick, but armed with self-awareness, inspiration, and purpose, she now has a clear path toward a healthier future.

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