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Is This You?
Struggling to figure out who you really are? Feeling lost or stagnant on your path, and unsure whether you are on track for accomplishing your life purpose?
What happens if you continue this way? Will you have regrets at the end of your life? Feel you missed the opportunity to fully express your authentic self or carry your soul’s purpose forward?
You will only truly know yourself if you are aware of all of you. You have lived an infinite number of lifetimes and gained knowledge and wisdom from billions of years of experience. You alone are the keeper of the key to your true purpose. Yet, what good do any of your past lives do for you if you have no conscious awareness of them?
There’s a Way to Change This
In order to maintain the health and expansion of your consciousness, you must access and foster the memories yourself by recalling your past lives. And further, they must be integrated into your present awareness in a way that brings to the forefront the fullness of your being and increases the mass of your soul.
I remember the first time I experienced a past life regression. It was one of the most exciting and memorable events of my life. Since then, I’ve gone on to remember dozens of lifetimes, each one rich with energy, experience, and perspective. Once you crack open that veil of separation, the memories flow more easily. You start to see the hints of past lives popping up in your daily life. Connections, familiar people, similar decision points, lessons still to conquer. Then you start noticing the added energy and the broader perspective that gives you greater courage, patience, and wisdom. With several past life perspectives in your conscious awareness, you’ll show up in life with more substance and presence.
You’re invited to spend an hour and a half exploring your past lives with me. I’m the author of 5 books, and a certified instructor of professional certification courses on hypnotherapy and past life regression. I’m delighted to share my insights and knowledge gained over 30+ years of research, personal experiences, and professional work. Learn cutting-edge concepts that bring this subject to life and explore two or more of your own past lives for greater clarity about who you are and what your soul has in mind for you to do this time around.
Take one of the most valuable steps in your spiritual growth today by registering for this priceless experience. Change the way you see yourself and access fascinating memories to contemplate for a lifetime!
The course is sponsored by EastWest Bookshop and offered on Zoom so you can enjoy this experience from anywhere in the world in the comfort of your own space.