Save 25% on Tuition and receive::
- A one-hour private session with MARY LEE
- A copy of Mary Lee’s latest book, Mastering Hypnotherapy: Transformational Strategies for Healers & Coaches
Savings Specials End May 31st.
In my signature program, I teach the LaBay Method: my approach to client-centered therapy developed over decades of experience in the field.
Upon Registration, you will receive all the materials and can begin your studies.
The live Group Support Calls begin July 16, 2024.
You’ll learn:
- Various hypnotherapy and NLP techniques without using scripts, including my signature techniques such as Reverse Metaphor and Empowerment Symbol.
- Several ways to overcome the most resistant clients for success in every session.
- Inside secrets and techniques of past life regression along with unique applications for deep healing of past life traumas
- How to navigate the death process and facilitate journeys beyond this life
- Practical guidance in setting up and marketing your practice.
Become a Certified Hypnotherapist and Certified Past Life Regression Specialist!
Register now!
Use Coupon Code REMEMBER at Checkout.