Call Now: +1.425.386.3888
Past life regression is often viewed as a stroll through memory lane, but it has the potential to be much more than that. It is a direct and powerful way to expand your consciousness without mind-altering pharmaceuticals. It is a quick and efficient way to get to the core of many present-day issues and relationships. Importantly, past life exploration provides clarity around a person’s soul purpose and is a necessary step in self-awareness and authenticity.
In this two-hour workshop, immerse yourself into guided regressions focused on bringing you closer to your authentic self, awakening you to a greater sense of your soul’s purpose and life mission. By integrating your present life with increasing numbers of past lives, you’ll experience greater empowerment, stability, focus, and certainty of purpose and direction. This, in turn, leads to greater powers of manifestation and influence to create the positive changes you wish to see in the world.
Tuition: $45